Mednarodno uspešen odbojkar.  Član Trentino Volley in slovenski reprezentant.
Diplomirani inženir elektrotehnike. Pozitivna in karizmatična oseba, na katero se lahko vedno zanesete.

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2 weeks ago

Jan Kozamernik

Let the new season 2024/2025 begin!💪🏼🔥 Like last year, first one against Cisterna💙💛 Let’s go brothers!#superlega #volleyball #pallavolo #trentinovolley #trento ... See MoreSee Less

Let the new season 2024/2025 begin!💪🏼🔥 Like last year, first one against Cisterna💙💛 Let’s go brothers!
#superlega #volleyball #pallavolo #trentinovolley #trento

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Che squadra, con Lavia 👍



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1 month ago

Jan Kozamernik

Olympics Paris 2024🫶🏼I had lots of time to reflect on this experience, a first in our books, and the first thing that comes to mind is gratefulness. These pictures try to show it in all it’s glory but they don’t come close and do it justice. It’s bigger than just volleyball, it’s about sports, all the grind behind the scenes, it’s about the friendships and it’s about legacy. What a rollercoaster of emotions.This time we came up short, result wise, but came a long way as a team and for this generation of NT it was the one competition we always dreamt of playing. Of course we wanted a different result, Pic 6 shows it and all the pain and tears that came out after.In the end being 5th in the Olympics is not a result to be taken for granted and be extremely proud. And I am proud and honored I got to share it with the best group of guys ever! Thank you for that!❤️‍🔥🫂We had a time of our lives, played some amazing games, had fun while doing it in and out of the court and I will cherish these moments forever! All the support I and we felt, from the families, friends and all Slovenian fans, I can only say thank you!Again…Extremely grateful! We will come back stronger and fight to do it all over again next summer and do everything to experience Olympics in the future💪🏼🇸🇮❤️#paris2024 #olympics ... See MoreSee Less

Olympics Paris 2024🫶🏼
I had lots of time to reflect on this experience, a first in our books, and the first thing that comes to mind is gratefulness. These pictures try to show it in all it’s glory but they don’t come close and do it justice. It’s bigger than just volleyball, it’s about sports, all the grind behind the scenes, it’s about the friendships and it’s about legacy. 
What a rollercoaster of emotions.
This time we came up short, result wise, but came a long way as a team and for this generation of NT it was the one competition we always dreamt of playing. Of course we wanted a different result, Pic 6 shows it and all the pain and tears that came out after.
In the end being 5th in the Olympics is not a result to be taken for granted and be extremely proud. And I am proud and honored I got to share it with the best group of guys ever! Thank you for that!❤️‍🔥🫂
We had a time of our lives, played some amazing games, had fun while doing it in and out of the court and I will cherish these moments forever! 
All the support I and we felt, from the families, friends and all Slovenian fans, I can only say thank you!
Extremely grateful! 

We will come back stronger and fight to do it all over again next summer and do everything to experience Olympics in the future💪🏼🇸🇮❤️

#paris2024 #olympics

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Bravo, Jan! ❤️

One of my favorite teams 🇸🇮🫶 Congratulations for a job well done! 🎉🎊

Športniki kot so Jan, pa ostali odbojkaši, pa košarkaši, pa kanujisti, pa plezalci, pa skakalci, pa Primož Roglič, pa nogometaši, ... skratki vsi naši športniki ste PONOS SLOVENIJE, NAŠE LEGENDE, ki s svojimi dejanji in zgledom povezujete slovenski narod in na najlepši možni način predstavljate našo Slovenijo v svetu.. HVALA ZA VSE, MI SMO PONOSNI NA VAS, NAVIJAMO IN SE BORIMO Z VAMI🍀🇸🇮 SREČNO NAPREJ...MI BOMO Z VAMI

Well done, Jan!

ja naši fantje vedno se borite za svoje zveste navijače me3 vas imamo rade in želimo da vedno zmagate gremo Fantje saj znate

Lepo napisano Jan, vse generacije odbojkarjev smo ponosne na vas in takšen rezultat !

<3 in dušo si pustil / ste pustili vsi na igrišču. HVALA ZA VSE <3 IGRE. POKLON .

Hvala za vse in velik poklon. 💚💙 Odbojkarji-ponos Slovenije, srečno še naprej v reprezentanci in v svojih sredinah. 🍀👊👊👊🍀💪🇸🇮🏐🇸🇮💪

Jan...poklon vsem vam....najboljši ste. Ponosni na vas ...bravo.❤️🫶🫶🇸🇮

Čestitke vsem za odlične nastope in srčnost. Vsi smo ponosni na vas. Srečno na vaši poti. 💪💪👍👍👏👏❤️


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2 months ago

Jan Kozamernik

Three down💪🏼🇸🇮 Quarterfinals ahead! This TEAM is doing it, every day, step by step🤝 Keep up this energy⚡️🔥#Paris2024 #Olympics #volleyball #jobnotfinished ... See MoreSee Less

Three down💪🏼🇸🇮 Quarterfinals ahead! This TEAM is doing it, every day, step by step🤝 Keep up this energy⚡️🔥
#Paris2024 #Olympics #volleyball #jobnotfinished

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Jutri pocitek, potem fokus naprej na novo tekmo, kot znate. Se enkrat jih spomni, kaj je pisalo na velikem plakatu, ki si ga nosil okrog… in kaj vse ste v teh letih dodali. Ste najboljsi tim, kar jih je Slovenija kadarkoli imela…

Bravoooooo ❤❤🇸🇮🇸🇮

Bravo ❤️☘️🇸🇮👏


Best Coach!! 🇦🇹💪🏼🤙🏼



Kapo dol slovenski fantje, za nas ste že zlati, takšen fokus naprej🇸🇮🫶👍

Čestitke vrhunski ste👏👏🍀🍀❤️

Odlično igrate. Vseeno vas prosim, če lahko malo prišparate moj herc... 🤪😁💪🇸🇮🇸🇮

Kar tako naprej fantje in madalja bo vaša👏👏💪💪🫶

Bravo,kapi dol bodoči olimpijski prvaki 💪👑👍

Svaka čast, z borbenostjo, kvaliteto in kolegijalnostjo, nas osrečujete. Ponosni smo na vas!!!

Čestitke fantje. Užitek je vas gledati.

Do konca🚀🚀🚀

Borba do zadnjega💪👏 Bravo👏👏

Bravoooo Ko pustis srce za Slo na igriscu🤗❤️💙❤️

Čestitke 👏👏👏💪🍀



Bravo, odlicni ste 👏👏

Bravo fantje🇸🇮👏

Neverjetni ste. Čestitke. 🎉🎉🎉🎉 in le pogumno in zmagovalno naprej. 💪🍀



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Začetki moje zgodbe segajo v leto 1995 v glavno mesto Slovenije, kjer sem rojen. Že od malega sem bil navdušen nad športom, svoje športne poti nisem takoj začel z odbojko, vendar sem radovedno raziskoval različna področja športa.


Moja pozitivna naravnanost in zelo dobre fizične predispozicije so že zelo zgodaj dale slutiti, da bi lahko bil nekega dne uspešen športnik in oseba, kateri bo šport eno najpomembnejših vodil v življenju.


Izven odbojke sem zelo družabna, natančna in predvsem precizna oseba, ki ničesar ne prepušča naključju in vedno da vse od sebe. Življenje si poskušam narediti čimbolj avanturistično, rad preizkušam nove stvari. Moji hobiji so tesno povezani z naravo (golf, hribolazenje, surfanje, kolesarstvo …). 

Nikoli pa nisem zanemarjal izobrazbe, tako sem leta 2017 diplomiral na študiju elektrotehnike v Ljubljani.


Veliko mi pomenita kot vrednoti družina in prijatelji, s katerimi rad preživljam svoje dneve in si poskusim vedno vzeti čas za njih. Predvsem pa želim, da moji najbližji vedo, da se lahko name vedno zanesejo.

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